Human Rights

Human Rights

Ampol's Modern Slavery Statement

Our approach to modern slavery is underpinned by the Ampol Values and the Ampol Risk Management Framework, which is based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and is collaborative in nature. 


Risks of Modern Slavery Practices

We maintain a detailed modern slavery risk assessment of our operations and supply chains, which has led to a better understanding and clarity of modern slavery risks within our organisation, highlighting key areas of potential concern. 

Our Values

Our values underpin everything we do. Our value of Never stop caring encourages us to always do the right thing and have a positive impact on the communities and economies in which we operate. Ensuring that no modern slavery exists within our operations and supply chains is a critical action that supports this value. 

Assessing and addressing Modern Slavery Risk

As we mature our modern slavery response program, we will look to improve our measurements of effectiveness by continuing to review our actions surrounding:

  • Governance 
  • Ampol Risk Management Framework 
  • Policies 
  • Supplier Code of Conduct compliance 
  • Contract clauses and tender questions 
  • Training 
  • Grievance mechanisms 
  • External engagement 

Commitments and collaboration

Since October 2020, we have further strengthened our commitment to operating our business in a manner that respects human rights by becoming a participant of the United Nations Global Compact and a signatory to the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, which include the elimination of all forms of force and compulsory labour and the effective abolition of child labour.

Other Relevant Information and Approval Process

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