Streamline your tax time with AmpolCard



Monthly ATO-approved invoices from AmpolCard provide fully itemised, reporting-ready records of your vehicle expenses. When you link your AmpolCard account to Xero or MYOB, your invoices are uploaded directly to your accounting software. Especially at tax time, you can save time, paperwork and effort reconciling and reporting all your AmpolCard expenses.

How will your business benefit from integrating Xero or MYOB? 

There is no cost to integrate your AmpolCard account with your preferred accounting software

With all your expenses in one place, reconciliation and reporting is fast and easy. Your monthly AmpolCard invoices detail all your expenses, including fuel, oil, eligible shop purchases and expenses for extras like Roadside Assistance and Services and Repairs if you’ve added these to your AmpolCard account.

Your AmpolCard transactions also record odometer readings that may be helpful for your logbook reporting and fleet management.

It’s easy to get Xero or MYOB working for your business: 

  1. Login to your Card Portal and click relevant Account Number on ‘Accounts’ screen.

  2. Select ‘Accounting Integration’ and choose ‘Connect to Xero’ or ‘Connect to MYOB.’

  3. Accept T&Cs and login to your Xero or MYOB account to confirm accounts are linked.


Integrate your accounts today


Don’t have a Xero or MYOB account? 


Both Xero and MYOB offer a 30-day free trial for new users. Click on the links to find out more.


Need a hand?

If you have any questions pr require assistance integrating your AmpolCard account to Xero or MYOB, please email us and we will be happy to help.