Kurnell Refinery Conversion Project

Kurnell Refinery Conversion Project

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) for the Kurnell conversion and demolition is based on extensive research, surveys and studies by a team of independent experts as well as consultation with government agencies and the community. You can view the EIS/SEE here by clicking on the sections below

Ampol received approval for the Kurnell Refinery conversion and demolition of the refinery infrastructure from the NSW Department of Planning & Environment (DPE) as well as other government agencies and regulators.

In the later part of 2017, additional approval for the construction of a Containment Cell for the asbestos affected soils on the Kurnell site from the NSW DPE – refer to MOD2.  This approval followed a period of consultation with a number of interested parties, such as NSW DPE, NSW EPA, NSW Dept of Health, NSW Dept Primary Industry, SafeWork NSW and the Kurnell and Sutherland Shire communities.

Tank 101 was initially included in the Kurnell terminal storage infrastructure. The  business determined that Tank 101 was no longer required. Additional approval was obtained to include this tank in the demolition program from the NSW DPE – refer to MOD3.

It had been anticipated that the MOD1 Demolition project would be concluded by August 2018. It  became necessary to seek and obtain further approval from the DPE to extend the completion date to 30 November 2019 – refer to MOD5.

Further delays were experienced with the construction, fill and closure of the Asbestos Contaminated Soil Containment Cell (ACS Cell). It was again necessary to seek and obtain further DPE approval to extend the project end date to 31 March 2020 – refer to MOD6.

The Kurnell Refinery Conversion Project concludes in early 2020 – in line with the MOD 6 completion date.

To view all the project approvals and conditions of consent click on the following links.

A number of plans were developed to help manage our project work and minimise impacts to the community and the environment. These plans were approved by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). To view the plans, click on the following links.

The filling and capping of the Asbestos Contaminated Soil Containment Cell on the Kurnell Terminal site finished in early 2020.  Responsibility for the Containment Cell has since been handed over to Kurnell Terminal Operations with ongoing monitoring and maintenance is carried out by the Terminal’s maintenance teams.

In line with the requirements of SSD5544 MOD2, consent condition C53A required a Containment Cell Long Term Environmental Management Plan (LTEMP) to be created and approved by the NSW EPA accredited Site Auditor and the NSW DPIE. 

The approved CCLTEMP describes the ongoing environmental management of the Containment Cell, including:

  • Maintenance of the capping and drainage
  • Groundwater monitoring (including groundwater quality and levels)
The CCLTEMP also includes physical details of the pipeways source areas including:
  • Location of the marker layer across the entire pipeways area 
  • Depth of excavations and the marker layer
To read the CCLTEMP click here

Ampol is proud of its long standing relationship with the Kurnell community.

The team at Kurnell is committed to communicating with, supporting and being an active member of the local community.

We meet with community members and send out a community update on a regular basis to share information about activities on site. We also encourage community members to contact us through our 24 hour community hotline if they have any questions or concerns.

Kurnell Community Hotline: 1800719 669

To read more about our hotline and the calls received in the past year click here.

In line with DPIE SSD 5544, Condition D2, the DPE Secretary has approved Kurnell Terminal Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) (Stage Two Final). This OEMP covers the environmental aspects associated with all Kurnell Terminal operations. The Kurnell Terminal OEMP is supported by a set of approved Environment Management System (EMS)/ Environment Management Program (EMP) Sub Plans, as per the requirements of SSD5544 D3. 

The Kurnell Terminal OEMP and its associated Management Sub-Plans has been constructed to:

  • meet the consent conditions requirements 
  • be consistent with the general OEMP document structure for Ampol Terminals operations in all Australian States
  • be aligned with the ISO 14001:2015 EMS Standard to which Kurnell Terminal is currently certified


Content considered to be security and/or commercially sensitive within the Kurnell Terminal Operational Environmental Management Plan have been blacked out for posting on the Ampol Public Webpage, in line with the obligations of SSD 5544:D9

Stage 2, Kurnell Terminal Operational Environmental Management Plan

In accordance with the NSW DPIE Development Consent for the Kurnell Refinery Conversion, three independent environmental audits (IEA) have been conducted thus far. The purpose of these audits has been to assess the environmental performance of the project, as well as compliance with the consent conditions and the site Environmental Protection Licence during the following periods:

  • 2014 (representing the first year of the conversion);
  • August 2016 – August 2017 period (three yearly intervals after the initial IEA);
  • September 2017 - January 2021 period (DPIE approved 4-month COVID 19 deferral)

Based on activities undertaken and records sampled in the specified periods, the audit team have found a consistent level of good compliance. To view the full reports and Ampol’s responses, click on the following links:

The Kurnell Port & Berthing Facility Upgrade project includes dredging and upgrades at Ampol's wharf and sub berth. 

Approval for the Kurnell Port & Berthing Facility upgrade was granted by the NSW Department of Planning & Environment. To view the project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), management plans and conditions of consent click here